Put condition last
xyz if abc instead of if (abc) {xyz}
Replace part of string
substring ($str, 3, 2) = 'replacement'
Swap $a and $b
( $a, $b ) = ( $b, $a );
Read lines from stanrdard input and print them out in sorted order
print sort <>;
Print all the lines containing the word foo
print grep /\bfoo\b/, <>;
Copy all the numbers in @n evenly divisible by 5 into @div5
my @div5 = grep { not $_ % 5 } @n;
Print key-value pairs from %h one per line
foreach my $key ( sort keys %h ) {
print "$key: $h{$key}\n";
Another way to print key-value pairs
print map "$_: $h{$_}\n", sort keys %h;
Rearranging elements in an array
@ary[ 1, 3, 5 ] = @ary[ 5, 3, 1 ]
Swapping every even and odd element pair in an array
# for instance, for a 10 element array the first two elements will evaluate to
# @ary [map {1, 0} 0..5] = @ary
@ary[ map { $_ * 2 + 1, $_ * 2 } 0 .. ( $#ary / 2 ) ] = @ary;
Use grep to construct a listwhere the expression evaluates to true
@ll = grep (m\pattern\, @l);
Use of given/when
given uses smart matching : given ('xyz') actually means given ($_ ~~ 'xyz')
given ($dog) {
when ('Fido') { ... ; continue}
when ('Rover') { ... }
when ('Spot') { ... }
default { ... };
can be used in foreach
foreach (@ary) {
when () {...}
when () {...}