How to create an EJB using annotation and NetBeans/GlassFish/JBoss and access it remotely in under five minutes:
Requirements: NetBeans 8.1 running on JDK1.8 and JavaEE 7
For GlassFish 4.1.1
- Create a new Jave EE -> EJB Module project, set GlassFIsh as target for deployment.
- Create a new Jave EJB Client Application as a regular Java application.
- Check GlassFish Admin Console to see that bean has been deployed under Applications.
- Right click on Enterprise Beans, and select New Session Bean.
- Select Stateless and Local and Remote Interface.
- Have Remote Interface created in another project, an EJB Client.
- Copy Remote Interface classes back to this project.
- Deploy project to GlassFish.
- In the EJB Client Application Libraries setting, add appserv-rt.jar from GlassFish installation for run-time naming context.
- Add Java 6 API Library for javax.ejb package for compile. This must come second after appserv-rt.jar.
- Create Initial Context in program: InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(), there is no other setting needed if appserv-rt.jar is properly included.
- Simply do a look up and cast the result to the remote interface.
- The look up name should be package.classnameRemote.
For JBoss 7.1
- Create EJB Module as for GlassFish, set JBoss as target for deployment. J2EE version should not matter.
- Create EJB Client Application as a Maven Applicaiton.
- Create interface files and remote interface files in Client Application.
- Deploy EJB Module to JBoss.
- Add Maven dependencies to Client Application
- Create Initial Context using these properties:
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory"
Context.PROVIDER_URL, "remote://"
"jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", true
- The look up name is "EARName/JARName/BeanName!package_name.BeanNameRemote"
- If EJB Module has any external JAR dependency, it is best that it is deployed as part of a an Enterprise Application (EAR) deployment.