Stable In Place Small Size Typical Size Large Size
Heap Sort N Y OK OK Good
Merge Sort Y N OK OK OK
Quick Sort  N Y OK Good Bad


2^n Quadratic Sorts          
Insertion Sort Y Y Good Bad Bad
Selection Sort Y Y Good Horrible Horrible
Bubble Sort   Y OK Horrible Do not use


Heap Sort

Sorting using a heap data structure flattened in an array, sorting is in place, not stable, slower than quick sort in average running time. Complexity is nlogn

Merge Sort

Sorting using extra data structure. complexity is nlogn, not in place, but stable

Quick Sort

Sorting using a moving pivot along an array, sorting is in place, not stable, faster than Heap Sort but worst worst case scenario with n^2.

Insertion Sort

Fast for small sizes, but really bad for large size with n^2

Bubble Sort

Bad at worst case usually means good at small set because of 2^n quadratic.