Cut Face Tool:

Must select an object first before.


Switch to polygon proxy mode from subdivs mode:

Right click on object and select “polygon”


Create a complete object from one quarter of an object, start from the upper left quadrant and use Duplicate Special:


1st quadrant      Scale -1X,1Z,1Y

2nd quadrant     Scale -1X,1Z,-1Y

3rd quadrant      Scale 1X,1Z,-1Y


Add HDRI lighting

  • In Render Settings, click on Indirect Lighting and configure Image Based Lighting


Assign material to a surface

  • Click on material to make it appear in Work Area
  • Select object surface material will be assigned to
  • Right click on material in Work Area and select Assign Material To Selection



Create glass effect

  • Add Blinn material

-          Set Color to very low

-          Set Transparency to very high

-          Set Diffuse to very low

-          Set Eccentricity to very low

-          Set Specular Roll Off to very high

-          Under Raytrace Option, turn on Refractions, set Refractive Index to 1.5 and Refraction Limit to 2

  • OR add Dielectric Material for more realism

-          There is no need for customization

  • OR add Mia Material for super realism

-          - Make sure to choose preset for Thick Glass – (replace)


  • In Render Settings:

-          Turn on Global Illumination

-          Turn on Caustics

-          Turn on Final Gathering – set Accuracy to 250 – do this as a final step as it slows things down dramatically


Create glass cap effect

  • Get curve
  • Create top surface using Project Curve on Surface and Trim Tool
  • Duplicate curve
  • Create surround using Loft
  • Use Round Tool to create round edge along top surface


How to create Bevel:


Curve method

            Create a curve, and use Bevel or Bevel Plus to extrude the curve and to create a solid object at the same time.


Polygon method

            Create a polygon, and use Bevel to create bevels along the edges.