Seller of Repo:
- Need to borrow cheap money
- Avoid custodian interest
- Can’t pay for delivery (product hasn't been sold)
- Put up bonds as collateral
- Pay back money+interest
- Security ownership doesn't change
Buyer of Repo:
- Want to lend money very safely and in very short term basis
- Want extra income for money that is otherwise sitting around
- Need bonds to cover short
Reverse Repo
- Exact security needed
Repo failure to deliver security
- Usually no penalty as seller of repo holds on to money longer with no added interest
Seller of Dollar Roll:
- Borrow money
- Can’t take pool delivery
- Sell TBA and buy it back
Buyer of Dollar Roll
- Lend money for income
- Not enough pool to deliver
Sell/Buy Back : equivalent to class Repo
Buy/Sell Back : equivalent to reverse Repo
- Structured as two transactions instead of one
- Receiver of security has ownership right and coupons